"Scream!", a voice inside my head said. I want to but I can't. I stay silent. I look at my phone. Nothing new. Just the usual; people fighting, and others falling in love thinking this is it. I kill you in my mind. You never even existed. I want to break something, hit someone or at least scream. I do none of these things. I look away. I'm surrounded by emptiness even though there are several people in here. I recognize none of them. I see empty faces. No facial expressions. Dullness. I turn around. It feels like being imprisoned. I want to escape. I don't make a sound. Again, a voice inside of me tells me to scream. I can't understand why. I wonder if anyone actually feels the same. If it's even possible to feel that way. I stay quiet. I maintain a polite yet fake smile. I look into that emptiness and notice I'm all alone. I force myself to stand up and walk away. As I walk I try to figure out what this is I'm feeling. I walk back and forth until I finally see nothing at all. What is this? I don't know. But then again, I couldn't care less. So I move away from everyone and everything, aimlessly, just trying to understand myself. Or better said, trying to understand that voice.
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